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  1. Look man I do not want to moderate this. Just don’t fedpost and don’t post gore or backhole or anything like that. I don’t really know how strict Substack admins are but they at least seem way less strict than iFunny. Still, I don’t want to push it.

  2. Admins will not abuse power for beefs. Nobody is going to be denied entry to this Publication just because they have beef with an admin, now will they be kicked for that.

  3. You can cross-post your articles from your personal Publications. That’s literally what this is for. It’s just a recreation of an iFunny subfeed on Substack.

    1. Due to limitations on Substack’s end, only Admins are allowed to cross-post on Publications. Until this is fixed you will need to upload any new posts to this Publication specifically, and you can then cross-post them to your personal Publication. If you have an older article(s) you want cross-posted, leave a comment on this note:

  4. That’s literally it. I don’t care what you write as long as it won’t get us taken down. Collaborators can beef with each other all they want as well, Rule #2 only applies to admins.

If you violate any of these rules you’re getting perms revoked immediately and I’m not bothering with appeals. Literally the only rule for non-admins is to not get this taken down. If you can’t follow that rule then you’re probably retarded or malicious.

Owner: James Knox

Admins: Sectionalism Archive and Layne A. Jackson